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It is time to announce, after lots of soul searching, that Apron Ties Kitchen is taking a break. Much thought has gone into this decision. Running a small business, even one as small as Apron Ties Kitchen, demands time, planning, and organization. Ultimately, ATK needs more attention and dedication than I can currently give it.

My goals for how I want to manage my time include a wonderful focus on homeschooling my sons and teaching and creating music. Our family has planned a year filled with new and exciting opportunities. Traveling, visiting college campuses, listening to and performing music together and having time to LIVE. I want to prioritize these things, and ATK just can't wiggle its way into these priorities.

This conclusion has left me with a slightly crushed heart. Logic tells me I need a sabbatical from Apron Ties. Time away to give my attention to other areas of my life.

In the coming years, when my sons are grown, I will have more hours in a day than I know what to do with, and I hope Apron Ties will make a return then with a renewed energy and ability to grow in a way I can be proud of.

It's been a wonderful adventure! This entrepreneurial journey has been an exciting one, and I want to thank you all for supporting my little dream for the last five years. My heart is full of gratitude.